Gedicht: Some people

Some people flee some other people.
In some country under a sun
and some clouds.

They abandon something close to all they’ve got,
sown fields, some chickens, dogs,
mirrors in which fire now preens.

Their shoulders bear pitchers and bundles.
The emptier they get, the heavier they grow.

What happens quietly: someone’s dropping from exhaustion.
What happens loudly: someone’s bread is ripped away,
someone tries to shake a limp child back to life.

Always another wrong road ahead of them,
always another wrong bridge
across an oddly reddish river.
Around them, some gunshots, now nearer, now farther away,
above them a plane seems to circle.

Some invisibility would come in handy,
some grayish stoniness,
or, better yet, some nonexistence
for a shorter or a longer while.

Something else will happen, only where and what.
Someone will come at them, only when and who,
in how many shapes, with what intentions.
If he has a choice,
maybe he won’t be the enemy
and will leave them to some sort of life.

(Wisława Szymborska, Monologue of a Dog)

4 reacties

  1. Krachtig. Veelzeggend. Benam me even de adem.

    Geïnspireerd door/Ontdekt via ‘The far field’?

    • Ontdekt via The far field! Ik vond die laatste paragraaf op zichzelf al zo mooi dat ik het hele gedicht zeker wilde opzoeken. Net zoals jij vond ik het zo krachtig en veelzeggend dat ik het meteen in mijn gedichten-documentje gekopieerd en het hier een plaatsje gegeven heb 🙂